Deercreek Kiwanis Club Service Programs
Besides being a regular annual contributor to the Florida Kiwanis Foundation and the Kiwanis International Foundation, Deercreek Kiwanis Club has participated or organized many service projects for our community and Kiwanis International since 1998. To date we have:
- Participated in the Kiwanis Science and Engineering Fair.
- Participated in Iodine Deficiency Disorder, a Kiwanis International project.
- Purchased several hundred apples, attached a Kiwanis sticker on each and presented them to teachers of Twin Lakes Elementary Jacksonville Country Day school.
- Conducted a reading program at Twin Lakes Academy.
- Purchased school supplies for teachers at Twin Lakes Elementary as a token for teachers who are always buying out of their own pockets.
- raised funds for the American Red Cross for disaster relief following Hurricane Katrina.
- Sponsored the Mandarin High School Key Club in 2006.
- Sponsored the Darnell-Cookman Key Club
- Sponsored the Christ Church Academy Key Club
- Conducted trash pick up days on Southside Boulevard jointly with the Key Clubs for the Florida Adopt-A-Highway project.
- Co-sponsored the Kiwanis Aktion Club at Pine Castle and have purchased Christmas luncheons for Pine Castle members for several years, as well as participating in meetings and organizing speakers and programs.
- Contributed to Kiwanis International’s World Link program where we sponsored the organization of a new Kiwanis club in Kiev, Ukraine. The president of the Kiev Club visited our club and was hosted in Susy Turney’s home for the week.
- Raised funds by sponsoring a scavenger hunt for the Jacksonville Harley Owners Group, the Jax Hogs.
- Staffed a concession tent at the Tournament Players Championship.
- Contributed to the Kiwanis Visions of Hope Project in Sri Lanka, making possible a 3-day field trip for 60 tsunami affected children with adult supervision in August 2009.
- Staffed a hamburger concession at the HAM-JAM held in 2001 in Clay County raising substantial funds for our projects by selling food to Harley riders.
- Thanks to the organizational talents of Jack Griffith the Club organized and sponsored “The Gate Way to Florida Concourse Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show” along with Peterson Academy students, a very successful fund raising activity in 2008.